Business Plus
Business Plus hosting at
$7.50/mo.Examine our services with a 30 day free trial period. No credit card information necessary.
Solid–State Drives
Solid–state–drive–based cloud hosting machines
All our cloud hosting machines feature solid–state drives rather than standard disk drives. Solid–state drives boast much faster read/write speeds, which means that your sites will load so much faster. No additional website modifications are needed.
As a result of the exceptional Internet connectivity options provided by each of our cloud web hosting Datacenter Facilities, your web site will start working much faster as soon as you host it with us.
A safe and secure web app firewall software
We offer an instant method of shielding each web application in your cloud hosting account, irrespective of whether it is newly installed or has been transferred from some other web hosting provider. All our cloud hosting packs come with ModSecurity – a web app firewall, which is enabled automatically. We’ve configured it to momentarily impede most hacker attacks. This suggests that as soon as you host your website with us, it will be safer than ever before.
VPN Access
Safe, anonymous web surfing
If you live in a place with strict web surfing rules but wish to examine the online world as much as possible, we have the solution for you. With each of our cloud hosting packs, you’ll be able to get Virtual Private Network access and examine the Internet freely. All you have to do is set up a new network with the detailes we provide and we’ll route your entire incoming and outgoing web site traffic out of one of our Virtual Private Network data centers.
Full–featured and scalable hosting services for your dynamic websites
Our cloud hosting services allow for much faster website load speeds as well as a much better scalability. The server load is spread between a few servers instead of just a single one, so you’ll not be affected by load issues and maintenance procedures. Every cloud hosting package comes with a point & click Website Control Panel available in more than ten languages and with a Web Application Installer tool, with which you can build weblogs, community web sites, online photo galleries, and so on. In case you are not pleased with the service quality whatever the reason, simply make use of our thirty–day MBG.
Business Plus
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Service guarantees
- Sign up today. There are no setup charges and you could make full use of our 30 day money–back warranty if not completely content with our services.
Compare our prices
- Have a quick look at the tools and capabilities made available from every one of our website hosting bundles. You can start off with a cheaper plan and move up with just a click of the mouse when your web site grows.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- Get in touch with us whenever you want within business hours Monday to Friday for just about any pre–sale or basic inquiries concerning our services. Contact us whenever you want.