The cPanel Control Panel was indeed the proven leader amongst hosting administration user interfaces not long ago. The moment cloud hosting gained popularity, the cPanel concept couldn’t fit into the new reality and match the preferences of the developing website hosting industry anymore.

The Control Panel has been made to work with a cloud website hosting setup and can quickly be modified whenever a new functionality is introduced. It’s really a 1–stop website management tool for managing your online presence including your site names, websites, billing together with your support communication.

1. Domain/billing/website adjustments


When using the Control Panel you’ll be able to deal with all of your sites, domain names and mailboxes from the very same location. You do not have to go with any other billing or domain interfaces.


Using the cPanel Control Panel, you will have to sign into 2 separate Control Panel tools – an invoicing panel from where you take care of domain names and payments and the cPanel Control Panel from which you control your web sites.

2. File Arrangement


With the Control Panel, each domain name and subdomain will have its unique directory in the main hosting account folder. That way, all sites are going to be fully insulated from each other.


With the cPanel Control Panel, you’ll have 1 folder for your primary web site and all other sites are placed within this directory. This makes maintaining several sites from one interface very puzzling.

3. File Manager


The File Manager is created to perform exactly like your desktop file explorer. With capabilities like drag & drop file file publishing, right click navigation menus, zip/unzip options, and so forth., it’ll make working with your data files fast and simple. Moreover, there’s an integrated WYSIWYG editor in addition to a program code editor.


The cPanel’s File Manager gives you restricted control of your files and directories. You’ll have trouble uploading several files at the same time and won’t be able to drag and drop files since this capability is simply not included. An archive/extract functionality is just not available either. File revising applications have also been limited.

4. Free–of–cost Gifts


With the Control Panel, you you’ll have a lot of complimentary gifts put together by our company. They’re offered free of charge with each cloud hosting plan, which works with the Control Panel. With each package, you have available instruments like the Online Site Installer, the Web Application Installer, the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, the Free Of Charge Site Generator, a selection of Advanced Instruments, and much more.


Each hosting supplier supplying cPanel decides on its own exactly what cost–free extras to include in your hosting plan. And also, since cPanel is a paid Control Panel, the freely available bonus tools also have to be paid by the website hosting provider. This will for sure raise the value of your web hosting package, so the no–cost gifts integrated in your package will in fact be paid for.

5. Control Panel Interface Rates of Performance


The Control Panel is made utilizing the most recent Internet technologies. By doing this, it utilizes fully the capabilities of your web browser and Internet access to help you control your web sites fast. In our evaluation experiments, when conducting similar tasks, our Control Panel achieved 3 times faster rates compared to well–established control panels.


cPane is made to be working on a number of web servers utilizing various hardware set–ups. Consequently, it’s not completely designed to operate on a specific system, which may have poor influence on performance rates and reliability. In addition, It may be even sluggish at times of intensive web server load.

6. Multi–domain name Management


The Control Panel delivers a one–of–a–kind option to handle many different domains and sites from a single intuitive user interface. Domain management is simple and changing to web site operations means you only have to move to another section of the Control Panel solution.


The cPanel Control Panel will keep things separated – you have to control your domain names from one location and your websites from a different one. Each web site features its own Control Panel. Controlling a number of websites within one Control Panel is also possible, but could be puzzling simply because all added domain names will be saved in the directory of the main domain name.

7. Control Panel Menu


With the Control Panel, you will be offered the latest reports for your sites and with easy shortcut icons to the key areas. Additionally, you can easily move around the Control Panel, thanks to our top navigation bar, which features instant access to all presented sections.


In the cPanel homepage, you will notice icons for all areas of the Control Panel. Consequently, even if you never employ an area, you will still find it on the index page. Also, to navigate between sections, you always have to browse straight back to the main page and then head to another section.

8. Trial Control Panel Accounts


Using the Control Panel, we’ve prepared an all–inclusive demo account for you to have a look prior to signup. You will get access to an evaluation Linux cloud hosting packages account where you can easily configure e–mail accounts, mount applications, make brand–new sub–domains, and even create a website using one of our website builders, and so forth. Should you like what you have created – you will be able to sign up within the demo interface and keep the things you have created so far.


The cPanel Control Panel demo interface is just a screenshot of what is inside the main menu. Almost every capability that is featured there is not available. Thus, when you enroll, you will have no clue how the displayed instruments and features of the Control Panel in reality operate.

With the Control Panel, maintaining your web sites will be simple and pleasant. Simply take a look at’s Website Control Panel demo and examine the offered features and capabilities to find out on your own.

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