Web Hosting Control Panel

Control your web sites with just a single click

It is now so much easier to acquire full control of your web sites with the state–of–the–art Website Control Panel that we have created for you with user–friendliness in mind. Adminsiter all the web site files with smooth drag & drop movements, register, transfer and control multiple domain names from one place, set up e–mail box accounts in a millisecond, run electronic mailing list campaigns without difficulty, create & access your own databases with a single click of the mouse, check site statistics real–time, etc.. Innovative features like a hotlink protection tool, a framework installer and an .htaccess generator are accessible too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Data Backups

Lost your web site content? Take advantage of our backup solution

When put on the net, your website content is generally unprotected to hack assaults. Alternatively, it could be affected even by your own accidental actions. Choose us and, there’s nothing to worry about, considering that we have a backup copy of your web site content, which will be retrieved anytime. Also, you can create manual back–up copies of your entire web site with just a click at the File Manager, which is integrated into the Website Control Panel. Our system will successfully restore all of your web site files and will compress them into a ZIP file, which will be kept in your hosting account.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At MITRIT.com, we take pride in utilizing a real cloud hosting platform – each service is taken care of by a different physical server, so that all your web sites will invariably open instantly even if the system is under excessive load. This cloud hosting system was entirely developed by us with a focus on stability and scalability, and is backed up by a 99.9 percent network uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Multiple Data Centers

Cloud hosting packs on 3 continents

Our cloud hosting network spreads across several continents – North America (the Colohouse datacenter facility in Chicago, IL, US), Europe (UK Servers data center in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze data center in Sydney). By result of this, regardless of where you actually live, you’ll be able to select a data center facility that is close to your target site visitors. This way, you will warrant the most quick conceivable website load speeds for them. You are able to select your datacenter any time with one click on the order page.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Stats

Keep an eye on your site 24x7x365 from your hosting Control Panel

The Website Control Panel includes a bunch of in–depth web statistic tools that will give you comprehensive info pertaining to your websites. You will be able to monitor your web site’s traffic in greater detail and learn absolutely everything regarding your web site visitors – where they come from and what device and Internet browser they’re employing. You will be able to choose from among three separate web statistics tools – the famous AWStats and Webalizer tools and a brand new fully featured web analytics software tool that we have created with your ideas and suggestions in mind.

Web Stats

Web Accelerators

The Site Accelerators (Memcached, Varnish and Node.js) available in the web hosting Website Control Panel, when used will drastically improve your dynamic websites’ speed.

They’re meant to store in a cache the data on your sites and thus minimize the amount of queries to the database server or the application programming interface. This will help all your websites load significantly faster than ever before and will enable you to attract more pleased website visitors, which means minimized bounce rates.

Web Accelerators